
Decoration Changes

This page lists Decoration Changes after the 6.3.5 update with a detailed comparison. Any future changes to Decorations will be included as well.

New Special Decoration Costs
Before Update 6.3.5After Update 6.3.5
Special Decorations in the store could be purchased using Ingots.
Gems are the new currency used to purchase Special Decorations.

At first glance it may seem like a bad change from using Gems rather than Ingots to purchase Special Decorations. Maybe because it has been that way since the beginning, but overall it’s a step in the right direction.

Decoration Changes: Ingots

Primarily Ingots are used to Upgrade Factories or Send Ships Off to get goods and treasures (especially Tcash and Artifacts). When decorations required ingots to buy them it was basically out of reach for a very long time.

With ingots, players would have to give up factory upgrades for getting fancy new decorations which is generally not a good idea. It’s important for new players to upgrade factories in the beginning because it allows for significantly faster Town progression, and production in the future.

For late game players who have completed most or all Academy of Industry upgrades it’s not as beneficial, but sending ships to collect Artifacts is always a good option since there’s such a big collection of them.

Ingot Thoughts

Having all Upgrades and Artifacts leaves the question of what’s next for Ingots since decorations are not available anymore? Some upgradeable decorations are the last resort to exchange Ingots for some Tcash.

Maybe they will implement a switch for purchasing decorations using Ingots or Gems at the tap of a button, or maybe it will be used for Advanced Expeditions, Crafting Mining Tools at a new Factory, Ship Upgrades, or Sending Off Space Crafts in the future, who knows?

Decoration Changes: Gems

Now that the costs have been converted to Gems the decorations have become a lot more accessible. They can be bought instantly without waiting hours on end to produce of Ingots at the Foundries.

Note: Topaz, Emeralds, and Rubies were given as a compensation based on the amount of Amethysts obtained before they were removed.

This is a great bonus because they essentially gave away a few free decorations or boosters for taking our useless Amethysts away. Also since all Zoo materials have been removed they are no longer rewarded as prizes from anywhere, which means Gems and other rewards should appear more often.

Decoration Changes: Conclusion

In conclusion we received free gems, have the possibility to earn more free gems, and have the choice to choose whether or not to spend them on booster or decorations. The fact that we don’t have to “waste” gems on breeding animals now is another great advantage of the special decoration change.

Related Pages

  • Zoo Changes – A comparison of all old and new changes made to the Zoo.
  • Zoo – Information on everything about Animal Cards, where to find them, and more.
  • Zoo Enclosures – A complete list of materials and costs for all Zoo Enclosures.
  • Zoo Expansions – All information on the materials and costs for Zoo Expansions.

One thought on “Decoration Changes

  1. Non riesco ad entrare su halloween decoration,, esce una pagina cuky,, mi dice he devo accettare,,, ma la parola non ce,, come posso fare?

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